Staying Healthy as you Get Older


No one likes the idea of growing old, but it is inevitable. Just because you aren’t as young as you used to be doesn’t mean you have to grow old gracefully. Choosing important health regimes and a good diet can substantially slow the process of aging considerably.

Instead of thinking about growing old, or aging think of a new term called Healthy Aging. Healthy aging is the improvement and maintenance of your best optimal health; mentally, socially, and physically. It is easily acquired when you promote good health habits and mental well being.

Tips for Healthy Aging and Living

*Pay attention to your mind and body listen to the signs when you are not taking care of either.

Important things to be mindful of when growing older:


With old age, your skin loses its elasticity and may start to sag or wrinkle. However, the more you protect your skin from sun damage the better; use sunscreen. Smoking also ages you quickly when it comes to your skin, so try and quit that nasty habit.


Getting older can cause changes in your reflexes and even your senses. While dementia is not a normal consequence of old age, it is common for people to experience some memory loss as they grow older. Vitamins and minerals are a good daily practice. Fish oil is a great brain vitamin if you’re not feeling as sharp as you used to.

Digestive system

When you grow older your digestive track becomes more firm and doesn’t contract as often. This can lead to bouts of constipation or stomach pain. A proper diet will help regulate your digestive track. There are some great yogurts that help with digestion like Avtivia.


Tough enamel that protects your teeth from decay can start to wear away over the years, leaving you susceptible to cavities. Gum disease is also a concern for older adults. Practice good dental hygiene, and regularly see your dentist as you get older.


Bones can become thinner and more brittle in old age, especially in women, sometimes resulting in the fragile bone condition called osteoporosis. Thinning bones or a decreased bone mass can put you at a greater risk as you age, making it hard to recover from a broken bone injury. Taking vitamin D is a great way to start improving bone health.


Aging causes the cardiovascular veins to constrict and can lead to heart attacks or cardiovascular trouble. Smoking causes your veins to constrict even more so once again quit if you are a smoker. Be sure not to eat fatty foods too often, and stay away from over processed foods.


You should practice at least thirty minutes a day of exercise, at least three times a week or more; consult with your physician to find out a good workout plan that fits your needs. As you get older low impact exercise is easier to do, and it’s also easier on your joints, and bone health.

Eat a well balanced diet following good nutrition habits. Stay away from fatty foods that can affect weight gain, in turn stressing your heart and cardiovascular health.

Get plenty of sleep which helps you mentally. Practice meditation or other stress relievers to maintain a healthy mental stability. Stress is just as bad for the body as the years of aging. It is very important to maintain a well balanced life physically, mentally and emotionally; in order to age well.